Box Protocol for COVID-19 Safety (Updated 4.20.21)
As you know, Elkins and Randolph County area is in the midst of an outbreak of COVID-19, in order to maintain a safe environment for everyone we have updated some of the policies below. Please read them carefully as they will be enforced for the safety of everyone:
Athlete & Staff Screenings
Do not attend classes if you have experienced any of the following in the last two weeks…
sore throat,
body aches,
new loss of taste or smell,
experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours,
or been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 or suspected of having COVID-19.
If you answer YES, to any of the questions above please do not attend class until cleared by a medical professional or the health department.
Class Reservations & Schedule
In order to maintain a safe and friendly space, please be aware of our current COVID-19 protocols...
Classes will be strictly limited to 12 athletes, with a 2 person waitlist.
You can reserve classes up to 3 days in advance
Be courteous and respectful of other members! If you cannot attend, please cancel your reservation to allow another member to join.
You must unreserve no later than 30 minutes prior to class
Partners WODS will be limited to WODs that allow for separate equipment.
Class Protocol
COVID-19 Waiver. Prior to arriving at class please view and sign the document in your ZenPlanner account.
Open Door Policy. Garage door(s) will remain open as much as possible, please dress accordingly.
Wash your hands upon entering and exiting the facility.
Classes will be strictly limited to 12 athletes, with a 2 person waitlist. This will be strictly enforced. Please be courteous of your fellow athletes, if you reserve and cannot attend, cancel your reservation.
Maintain 6'ft distance. Everyone must maintain a minimum of 6’ of separation. No high-fives and fist bumps. Upon arrival please find a squat rack area, that will be your space for the class.
No sharing equipment. The use of the backroom will be available as well.
Chalk. Both liquid chalk and shared chalk buckets are available.
Cleaner & Towels. A bottle of disinfectant will be available at each rack station with a clean towel, keep and use it for the entire class then discard your towel into the “Dirty” basket upon leaving. Do not reuse a “dirty” towel or clean your friend’s equipment. Please wipe down your spray bottle and leave it at the station for the next athlete.
Boards & Markers. Each rack station will have a board and marker available, please wipe and clean them at the end of class and leave them in the rack station for the next athlete.
Hydration. Bring your own drinks, the water fountain will be off-limits.
Gear and bags. Please only bring the gear that you need for the day’s workout.
Clean everything you touch!