Pain = Problem

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Contributed by Matt Lee PT, MPT, OCS, CSCS
Elkins Physical Therapy Services
1201 CrossFit Member

Pain-free movement is a vital concept for healthy, high-intensity training and all training for that matter.

By the time an athlete is experiencing new-onset pain, some level of training tissue damage occurred or is continuing to occur. Pain is a warning from the body, “a check engine light” from your nervous system. We are able to push through this signal to accomplish a task, but there is always a consequence for ignoring warning signs. Training through pain is dangerous.

With high-intensity training, the injury risk and incident of injury are higher than lower-intensity exercise programming. With the risk comes the reward of more substantial calories burned, fat loss, quicker gains in strength, speed and power. But when pushing the training limits, the athlete must be disciplined to work with pain-free efficient loads and pain-free movement patterns.

Are there exceptions? Yes. But these are reserved for folks dealing with well-established diagnoses of stable chronic pain. These diagnoses need to be established by a medical professional.

This concept applies to anyone and any workout. If pain is a lingering nuisance to your training get some help. Your coach and personal trainers are your first line of support. Use them. Every serious athlete needs a good sports-minded support system including a massage therapist, a physical therapist, chiropractors and a physician.

Train hard, train smart and treat yourself to professional support to enhance your recovery and keep you on top of your game.

Feel good, move well.