Fueling Hacks to Optimize Your Workout

You’re putting in the time, showing up to class, and working hard. Most of us only have 3-6 hours a week to invest in our fitness each week, time is a finite resource so we have to make the best of it by fueling our bodies correctly. 

Here’s how to maximize and make the most out of any workout session with a few simple nutrition hacks.

Fuel your body.

It’s no surprise that what you put in your body is an indication of how your workout will go that day. Don’t bother with pre-workout caffeinated drinks, instead, combine carbohydrates and protein to ensure you’re fueling your body before your workout. Choose liquids over solids especially if you have trouble working out with food in your tummy.

Here are some suggestions that are nutritious and fuel for your body:

  • 0% Fat Greek Yogurt

  • Fruit, Protein, and Water Smoothie

  • Applesauce mixed with Protein Powder

  • Egg Whites w/Veggies & Side of Fruit

  • Rice Cake and Slice Deli Turkey

Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Staying hydrated is important for everyone, but especially for those hoping to crush Monday’s workout session! Dehydration can decrease performance by up to 20 percent. Daily hydration should be a focus, however, don’t try to catch up before or during a hard workout. Maintaining good hydration levels throughout the day will benefit you more than just workouts.

Don’t forget post-workout nourishment.

Just like pre-workout, post-workout care is just as important. Consider pairing protein and carbohydrates after your workout to promote lean muscle growth. Also, you’ll want to rehydrate ASAP after a workout and replenish your body with protein and carbs within 30 minutes afterward to maximize your recovery.

Consider these tips to optimize your next workout!

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